jlpt n1 grammar quiz by gaijin world 1

JLPT N1 Grammar Quiz 1




Better luck next time!

#1. 彼の才能は認めるべきことがある。[______]、その態度は問題だ。彼の才能は非常に優れており、評価されるべきです。しかし、その態度は問題があり、周囲の人々に対して不適切な振る舞いをすることが多いです。才能だけではなく、態度も重要であることを理解する必要があります。

Correct Answer and Explanation

• 正解: とはいえ
• 解説: 「とはいえ」は、前の文と対照的な内容を示すために使われます。この場合、彼の才能を認めるべきであることを前提にしつつ、その態度が問題であることを対照的に示しています。

The phrase “とはいえ” is used to introduce a contrasting idea to the preceding statement. In this context, it acknowledges that his talent should be recognized, but contrasts this with the problematic nature of his attitude.

Full Sentence Meaning

“彼の才能は認めるべきことがある。とはいえ、その態度は問題だ。” means “His talent should be recognized. However, his attitude is problematic.” The structure “とはいえ” introduces a contrasting idea, acknowledging his talent while pointing out the issue with his attitude.

Explanation of Incorrect Options

  1. だとしても
    • Meaning: Even if, even though
    • Explanation: 「だとしても」 is used to introduce a hypothetical situation or a concession, but it does not fit the context of contrasting the acknowledgment of his talent with the problematic attitude. It would not convey the nuance of acknowledging his talent while pointing out the issue with his attitude.
  2. からには
    • Meaning: From the perspective of
    • Explanation: 「からには」 is used to indicate a perspective or viewpoint, but it does not fit the context of contrasting the acknowledgment of his talent with the problematic attitude. It would not convey the nuance of acknowledging his talent while pointing out the issue with his attitude.
  3. にしては
    • Meaning: For, considering
    • Explanation: 「にしては」 is used to introduce a comparison or a standard, but it does not fit the context of contrasting the acknowledgment of his talent with the problematic attitude. It would not convey the nuance of acknowledging his talent while pointing out the issue with his attitude.

Grammatical Breakdown

  1. 彼 (かれ) – kare
    • Meaning: He, him
    • Grammar: Pronoun
  2. の (no)
    • Meaning: Possessive particle
    • Grammar: Particle
  3. 才能 (さいのう) – sainō
    • Meaning: Talent, ability
    • Grammar: Noun
  4. は (wa)
    • Meaning: Topic marker
    • Grammar: Particle
  5. 認める (みとめる) – mitomeru
    • Meaning: To recognize, to acknowledge
    • Grammar: Verb
  6. べき (べき)
    • Meaning: Should, ought to
    • Grammar: Auxiliary verb indicating obligation or necessity
  7. こと (こと)
    • Meaning: Thing, matter
    • Grammar: Noun
  8. が (ga)
    • Meaning: Subject marker
    • Grammar: Particle
  9. ある (ある)
    • Meaning: To exist, to be
    • Grammar: Verb
  10. とはいえ (とはいえ) – towaie
    • Meaning: However, that being said
    • Grammar: Conjunctive phrase used to introduce a contrasting idea
  11. その (その) – sono
    • Meaning: That
    • Grammar: Demonstrative pronoun
  12. 態度 (たいど) – taido
    • Meaning: Attitude, behavior
    • Grammar: Noun
  13. は (wa)
    • Meaning: Topic marker
    • Grammar: Particle
  14. 問題 (もんだい) – mondai
    • Meaning: Problem
    • Grammar: Noun
  15. だ (da)
    • Meaning: Is (copula)
    • Grammar: Copula
jlptn1 grammar minithumb