jlpt n1 grammar quiz by gaijin world 1

JLPT N1 Grammar Quiz 1




Better luck next time!

#1. 彼女は、彼に頼む[________]ほど強い意志を持っている。彼女は非常に強い意志を持っており、どんな困難な状況に直面しても、他人に頼ることなく自分で解決しようとする。彼女のこの強い意志は、彼女の自立心と自信を示しています。彼女は自分の力で問題を解決し、目標を達成することを重視しています。このような強い意志を持つことで、彼女は他人に頼る必要がなく、自分自身の力で前に進むことができます。彼女の強い意志は、彼女の人生において非常に重要な要素となっています。





“She has such a strong will that she **doesn’t** ask him to do it.”

This sentence means, “She has a very strong will, not enough to ask him.” In other words, her will is so strong that she doesn’t need to rely on him. “Until” means that it has not reached that level.

“madenai” means “not necessary” and fits the context perfectly. “Unnecessarily” also means “not necessary,” but it is a little less nuanced. “Even” and “Madena” mean “not necessary,” but they don’t fit the context.

Explanation of the Correct Answer

The correct answer is までない.


  • までない (までない): This means “not to the extent of.” It accurately describes the situation where she has such a strong will that she does not need to rely on him. The context of the sentence indicates that her will is so strong that she does not need to ask him for help. This phrase clearly sets the condition for her strong will, emphasizing that she does not need to rely on others.

Explanation of the Other Options

  • までもな: This is not a correct or meaningful phrase in this context. It does not convey the intended meaning of “not to the extent of.” It is grammatically incorrect and does not fit the sentence structure.
  • までなく: This means “not to the extent of” but is not as commonly used or as clear as “までない” in this context. While it can convey a similar meaning, it is less idiomatic and does not fit the sentence structure as well. It does not emphasize the condition as strongly as “までない.”
  • までも: This means “even to the extent of.” It does not convey the intended meaning of “not to the extent of.” It implies that she would rely on him even to a certain extent, which is the opposite of what the sentence is trying to convey.

Therefore, までない is the correct choice as it accurately describes the situation where she has such a strong will that she does not need to rely on him.

JLPT N1 Vocabularies and Grammars

  1. 彼女 (かのじょ): She.
  2. 彼 (かれ): He.
  3. 頼む (たのむ): To rely on, to ask for help.
  4. までない: Not to the extent of.
  5. ほど: To the extent, to the degree.
  6. 強い (つよい): Strong.
  7. 意志 (いし): Will, determination.
  8. 持っている (もっている): To have.
  9. 非常に (ひじょうに): Extremely.
  10. 困難な (こんなんな): Difficult.
  11. 状況 (じょうきょう): Situation.
  12. 直面する (ちょくめんする): To face, to confront.
  13. 他人 (たにん): Others.
  14. 自分で (じぶんで): By oneself.
  15. 解決する (かいけつする): To solve, to resolve.
  16. 自立心 (じりつしん): Independence.
  17. 自信 (じしん): Confidence.
  18. 重視する (じゅうしする): To place importance on.
  19. 目標 (もくひょう): Goal.
  20. 達成する (たっせいする): To achieve.
  21. 要素 (ようそ): Element.
  22. 人生 (じんせい): Life.
jlptn1 grammar minithumb