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#1. 情報の氾濫__。
Very; extremely; nothing more … than this
- 情報 (じょうほう) – Information
- 氾濫 (はんらん) – Overflow, flood
- 〜といったらない – This grammar pattern is used to emphasize the degree of something, often expressing surprise or criticism. In this context, it emphasizes the extreme degree of information overflow.
Answer Choices:
- といったらない – As mentioned, this emphasizes the extreme degree of something.
- といえばない – This is not a standard grammar pattern.
- というわけではない – This means “it doesn’t mean that…” and is used to negate a statement.
- というほどでもない – This means “it’s not to the extent that…” and is used to downplay a statement.
The correct answer is 「〜といったらない」 because it emphasizes the extreme degree of information overflow.
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