jlpt n1 grammar quiz by gaijin world 8

JLPT N1 Grammar Quiz 9


#1. 彼は長い間、鬱に __ いる。

「苦しむ」は心身の痛みや苦痛を感じている状態を表します。 kurushimu – to suffer

Answer Choices:

  1. 困って (こまって) – Troubled
  2. 悩んで (なやんで) – Worried
  3. 苦しんで (くるしんで) – Suffering
  4. 迷って (まよって) – Hesitating


  • 困って: This means “troubled,” which doesn’t fully capture the depth of suffering associated with depression.
  • 悩んで: This means “worried,” which also doesn’t fully convey the intense suffering of depression.
  • 苦しんで: This means “suffering,” which accurately describes the state of experiencing mental and emotional pain due to depression. This is the correct answer.
  • 迷って: This means “hesitating,” which is unrelated to the context of suffering from depression.
The correct answer is 「苦しんで」 because it accurately describes the state of suffering from depression.


  1. 彼 (かれ) – He
  2. 長い間 (ながいあいだ) – For a long time
  3. 鬱 (うつ) – Depression
  4. 困る (こまる) – To be troubled
  5. 悩む (なやむ) – To be worried
  6. 苦しむ (くるしむ) – To suffer
  7. 迷う (まよう) – To hesitate


  1. 〜ている (〜ている) – This grammar pattern indicates a continuous or ongoing action. In this context, it shows that the action of suffering has been ongoing for a long time.



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