jlpt n1 grammar quiz by gaijin world 8

JLPT N1 Grammar Quiz 9


#1. 鬱を __ するために、彼はカウンセリングを受けている。

「克服する」は困難や問題を乗り越えることを意味し、鬱という状態を改善しようとする努力を表現しています。 kokufuku – to overcome

Answer Choices:

  1. 打破 (だは) – Breaking through
  2. 解決 (かいけつ) – Solving
  3. 克服 (こくふく) – Overcoming
  4. 打開 (だかい) – Breaking out of a situation


  • 打破: This means “breaking through,” which is more commonly used for breaking through barriers or obstacles, not typically used for overcoming depression.
  • 解決: This means “solving,” which is more appropriate for resolving problems or issues, not typically used for overcoming a condition like depression.
  • 克服: This means “overcoming,” which accurately describes the effort to overcome a condition like depression. This is the correct answer.
  • 打開: This means “breaking out of a situation,” which is more general and not specifically used for overcoming depression.
The correct answer is 「克服」 because it accurately describes the effort to overcome depression.


  1. 鬱 (うつ) – Depression
  2. するために – In order to do
  3. 彼 (かれ) – He
  4. カウンセリング – Counseling
  5. 受ける (うける) – To receive


  1. 〜するために – This grammar pattern indicates the purpose of an action. In this context, it shows that the purpose of receiving counseling is to overcome depression.



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