jlpt n1 grammar quiz by gaijin world 8

JLPT N1 Grammar Quiz 9


#1. 面接官の前で緊張のあまり __ 、言葉が出てこなかった。

「吃る」は緊張などで言葉がスムーズに出ない状態を表す言葉です。 domoru – to stutter

Answer Choices:

  1. 噎せて (むせて) – Choking
  2. 藻掻いて (もがいて) – Struggling
  3. 吃って (どもって) – Stuttering
  4. 掬って (すくって) – Scooping


  • 噎せて: This means “choking,” which doesn’t fit the context of being unable to speak due to nervousness.
  • 藻掻いて: This means “struggling,” which is more physical and doesn’t specifically relate to speech.
  • 吃って: This means “stuttering,” which directly relates to the difficulty in speaking smoothly due to nervousness. This is the correct answer.
  • 掬って: This means “scooping,” which is unrelated to the context of speech or nervousness.
The correct answer is 「吃って」 because it accurately describes the state of being unable to speak smoothly due to nervousness.


  1. 面接官 (めんせつかん) – Interviewer
  2. 前 (まえ) – In front of
  3. 緊張 (きんちょう) – Nervousness
  4. 言葉 (ことば) – Words
  5. 出てこない (でてこない) – Not coming out


  1. 〜のあまり – This grammar pattern indicates that the degree of an action or state is excessive, leading to a certain result. In this context, it shows that the nervousness is so intense that it leads to the inability to speak.



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