JLPT N1 Reading Comprehension 001








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#1. 筆者が最初に犯した誤解は何ですか?

   正答: 御飯を主食として他のおかずと一緒に食べようとしたこと

   解説: 筆者は「この御飯を主食にして、おかずを併せて食べるのだという風に思った」と述べています。

Answer Choices:

  1. イタリア料理だと思わなかったこと – Not thinking it was Italian cuisine
  2. 御飯を主食として他のおかずと一緒に食べようとしたこと – Trying to eat the rice as a staple food along with other side dishes
  3. カクテルを飲まなかったこと – Not drinking cocktails
  4. 畳の上に座らなかったこと – Not sitting on tatami mats

Correct Answer:



The author initially misunderstood the cultural context of the meal. In the essay, the author mentions, “この御飯を主食にして、おかずを併せて食べるのだという風に思った,” which means they thought the rice was to be eaten as a staple food along with other side dishes, as is common in Japanese dining culture. However, this was a misunderstanding because the meal was part of an Italian dining experience, where dishes are typically served in a sequential manner rather than all at once.


  1. 筆者 (ひっしゃ) – Author
  2. 最初 (さいしょ) – First
  3. 犯す (おかす) – To commit (a mistake)
  4. 誤解 (ごかい) – Misunderstanding
  5. イタリア料理 (イタリアりょうり) – Italian cuisine
  6. 思う (おもう) – To think
  7. 御飯 (ごはん) – Rice
  8. 主食 (しゅしょく) – Staple food
  9. 他 (ほか) – Other
  10. おかず – Side dishes
  11. 一緒に (いっしょに) – Together
  12. 食べる (たべる) – To eat
  13. カクテル – Cocktail
  14. 飲む (のむ) – To drink
  15. 畳 (たたみ) – Tatami mats
  16. 座る (すわる) – To sit


  1. 〜として – Used to indicate a role or function. In this context, it shows that the rice was thought to be the staple food.
  2. 〜ようとする – Indicates an attempt or intention to do something. Here, it shows the author’s intention to eat the rice with other dishes.
  3. 〜こと – Nominalizer, turning a verb phrase into a noun phrase.
  4. 〜だという風に思った – Indicates the author’s thought or assumption.

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