JLPT N1 Reading Comprehension 001








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#1. 夫人がとまどったような気配を見せたのはなぜですか?

正答: 筆者が御飯とおかずを一緒に食べようとしたから

   解説: 夫人は筆者が日本式に御飯とおかずを一緒に食べようとしたことに対して、とまどいを見せたと推測されます。

Answer Choices:

  1. 筆者が御飯を食べなかったから – Because the author didn’t eat the rice
  2. 筆者が肉とサラダを一緒に食べようとしたから – Because the author tried to eat meat and salad together
  3. 筆者が御飯とおかずを一緒に食べようとしたから – Because the author tried to eat rice and side dishes together
  4. 筆者がカクテルを飲み過ぎたから – Because the author drank too many cocktails

Correct Answer:



The essay suggests that the hostess (夫人) showed signs of confusion or hesitation because the author attempted to eat the rice and side dishes together in the Japanese style. This was unexpected in the context of an Italian meal, where dishes are typically served and eaten sequentially rather than all at once. The author’s action of combining rice with other dishes at the same time likely caused the hostess to feel uncertain or puzzled.


  1. 夫人 (ふじん) – Lady, wife
  2. とまどう (とまどう) – To be confused, to be perplexed
  3. 気配 (けはい) – Sign, indication
  4. 見せる (みせる) – To show
  5. 筆者 (ひっしゃ) – Author
  6. 御飯 (ごはん) – Rice
  7. 食べる (たべる) – To eat
  8. 肉 (にく) – Meat
  9. サラダ – Salad
  10. 一緒に (いっしょに) – Together
  11. おかず – Side dishes
  12. カクテル – Cocktail
  13. 飲む (のむ) – To drink
  14. 過ぎる (すぎる) – To exceed, to go beyond


  1. 〜から – Indicates reason or cause. In this context, it explains why the hostess showed signs of confusion.
  2. 〜ようとする – Indicates an attempt or intention to do something. Here, it shows the author’s intention to eat rice with other dishes.
  3. 〜に対して (〜にたいして) – Indicates the target or object of an action or feeling. In this context, it shows that the hostess’s confusion was directed towards the author’s action.
  4. 〜ことに対して (〜ことにたいして) – Indicates the reason for the hostess’s reaction.

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