jlpt n1 vocabulary quiz by gaijin world 1

JLPT N1 Vocabulary Quiz 1



#1. この国ならではの文化や[________]は、その独自性を保ち続けている。この国の文化は、長い歴史と伝統を持ち、その独特な特徴を失わずに現代まで受け継がれている。例えば、伝統的な祭りや儀式は、地域社会の一体感を高め、共同体の絆を強化する役割を果たしている。また、この国の[慣習]は、日常生活の中でも多くの場面で見られ、人々の行動や価値観に大きな影響を与えている。このように、この国の文化や[慣習]は、独自の魅力を持ち続け、世界中から多くの観光客を引き寄せている。


Correct Answer Explanation

C. この国ならではの文化や[慣習]は、その独自性を保ち続けている。

This option is correct because:

  1. 慣習 (かんしゅう): This term accurately reflects the original sentence’s meaning. “慣習” refers to customs or traditions that have been established over a long period and are deeply ingrained in a society. It is a JLPT N1 level vocabulary that is commonly used in cultural and social contexts.
  2. その独自性を保ち続けている: This part of the sentence remains unchanged and correctly conveys the idea that the unique characteristics of the culture and customs are being maintained.

Incorrect Options Explanation

A. この国ならではの文化や[習慣]は、その独自性を保ち続けている。

  • 習慣 (しゅうかん): While “習慣” also means habit or custom, it is a more general term and does not carry the same nuance of long-established, deeply ingrained practices as “慣習”. “習慣” can refer to any habit, including personal ones, whereas “慣習” specifically refers to societal customs and traditions.

B. この国ならではの文化や[伝統]は、その独自性を保ち続けている。

  • 伝統 (でんとう): “伝統” means tradition, which is similar to “慣習” but has a slightly different nuance. “伝統” often refers to the broader cultural heritage and values passed down through generations, while “慣習” focuses more on specific practices and behaviors.

D. この国ならではの文化や[風習]は、その独自性を保ち続けている。

  • 風習 (ふうぞく): “風習” means customs or manners, and it is also a JLPT N1 level vocabulary. However, it is less commonly used in modern Japanese compared to “慣習” and may not convey the same sense of deeply ingrained, long-established practices.


The correct answer is option C because it accurately uses the term “慣習” to describe the customs and traditions that are unique to the country and have been maintained over time. The other options use terms that are either too general (“習慣”), have a slightly different nuance (“伝統”), or are less commonly used in modern Japanese (“風習”). Therefore, option C is the most appropriate choice that accurately reflects the original sentence’s meaning.

JLPT N1 Vocabularies and Grammars

  1. 文化 (ぶんか): Culture
  2. 慣習 (かんしゅう): Custom, tradition
  3. 独自性 (どくじせい): Uniqueness, originality
  4. 保ち続ける (もちつづける): To maintain, to keep
  5. 歴史 (れきし): History
  6. 伝統 (でんとう): Tradition
  7. 特徴 (とくちょう): Characteristic, feature
  8. 受け継がれる (うけつがれる): To be inherited, to be passed down
  9. 祭り (まつり): Festival
  10. 儀式 (ぎしき): Ceremony, ritual
  11. 一体感 (いったいかん): Sense of unity, solidarity
  12. 共同体 (きょうどうたい): Community
  13. 絆 (きずな): Bond, tie
  14. 役割 (やくわり): Role, function
  15. 日常生活 (にちじょうせいかつ): Daily life
  16. 行動 (こうどう): Behavior, action
  17. 価値観 (かちかん): Values, value system
  18. 影響 (えいきょう): Influence
  19. 魅力 (みりょく): Charm, appeal
  20. 観光客 (かんこうきゃく): Tourist

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