#1. [老舗]の料亭や旅館は、創業以来ながらにして伝統のおもてなしを守り続けている。日本には多くの老舗店が存在し、それらは長い歴史と伝統を持っています。例えば、京都の老舗料亭や温泉地の旅館は、創業以来の伝統を大切にし、訪れるお客様に対して心からのおもてなしを提供しています。これらの老舗店は、現代の急速な変化の中でもその伝統を守り続け、多くの人々に愛され続けています。このような伝統的なおもてなしは、日本文化の一部として非常に重要であり、次世代にも引き継がれるべきです。
The correct answer is しにせ.
- しにせ (しにせ): This means “long-established store” or “traditional shop.” It accurately describes the long-standing and traditional nature of the restaurants and inns mentioned in the sentence. The context of the sentence indicates that these establishments have a long history and continue to uphold traditional hospitality, which is a key aspect of their identity.
Explanation of the Other Options
- しんせ: This is not a correct reading for the word “老舗.” It does not convey the meaning of a long-established or traditional shop.
- しんせい: This is not a correct reading for the word “老舗.” It does not convey the meaning of a long-established or traditional shop.
- しんせつ: This is not a correct reading for the word “老舗.” It does not convey the meaning of a long-established or traditional shop.
Therefore, しにせ is the correct choice as it accurately describes the long-standing and traditional nature of the restaurants and inns mentioned in the sentence.
JLPT N1 Vocabularies and Grammars
- 老舗 (しにせ): Long-established store, traditional shop.
- 料亭 (りょうてい): High-class Japanese restaurant.
- 旅館 (りょかん): Japanese-style inn.
- 創業 (そうぎょう): Founding, establishment.
- 以来 (いらい): Since then.
- ながらにして: As it has been.
- 伝統 (でんとう): Tradition.
- おもてなし (おもてなし): Hospitality.
- 守り続ける (まもりつづける): To continue to protect.
- 日本 (にほん): Japan.
- 多く (おおく): Many.
- 歴史 (れきし): History.
- 京都 (きょうと): Kyoto.
- 温泉地 (おんせんち): Hot spring area.
- 訪れる (おとずれる): To visit.
- お客様 (おきゃくさま): Customer.
- 心から (こころから): From the heart.
- 提供する (ていきょうする): To provide.
- 急速 (きゅうそく): Rapid.
- 変化 (へんか): Change.
- 愛される (あいされる): To be loved.
- 次世代 (じせだい): Next generation.
- 引き継がれる (ひきつがれる): To be passed down.
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