jlpt n1 vocabulary quiz by gaijin world 1

JLPT N1 Vocabulary Quiz 1



#1. 伝統工芸の職人たちは、「 先人 」から受け継いだ技を守りつつ、新しいデザインを開発している。日本の伝統工芸は、長い歴史と深い文化を持っています。これらの技術は、先人から次の世代へと受け継がれてきました。職人たちは、これらの技術を大切に守りながらも、現代のニーズに応じて新しいデザインを開発しています。このようにして、伝統と革新を両立させることで、日本の工芸文化は次世代にも引き継がれていきます。職人たちの努力と創造性により、伝統工芸は新しい形で再び輝きを取り戻しています。


Explanation of the Correct Answer

The correct answer is せんじん.


  • せんじん (せんじん): This means “predecessor” or “ancestor.” It accurately describes the people from whom the traditional craftsmen have inherited their skills. The context of the sentence indicates that the craftsmen are preserving the techniques passed down from their predecessors while also developing new designs. This word is appropriate for discussing the continuation of traditional skills and knowledge.

Explanation of the Other Options

  • ぜんじん: This is not a correct reading for the word “先人.” It does not convey the meaning of “predecessor” or “ancestor” and is not a valid Japanese word.
  • ぜんにん: This is not a correct reading for the word “先人.” It does not convey the meaning of “predecessor” or “ancestor” and is not a valid Japanese word.
  • せんにん: This is not a correct reading for the word “先人.” It does not convey the meaning of “predecessor” or “ancestor” and is not a valid Japanese word.

Therefore, せんじん is the correct choice as it accurately describes the people from whom the traditional craftsmen have inherited their skills.

JLPT N1 Vocabularies and Grammars

  1. 伝統工芸 (でんとうこうげい): Traditional crafts.
  2. 職人 (しょくにん): Craftsman, artisan.
  3. 先人 (せんじん): Predecessor, ancestor.
  4. 受け継ぐ (うけつぐ): To inherit, to carry on.
  5. 技 (わざ): Skill, technique.
  6. 守る (まもる): To protect, to preserve.
  7. 新しい (あたらしい): New.
  8. デザイン (デザイン): Design.
  9. 開発する (かいはつする): To develop.
  10. 歴史 (れきし): History.
  11. 文化 (ぶんか): Culture.
  12. 次の世代 (つぎのせだい): Next generation.
  13. ニーズ (ニーズ): Needs.
  14. 応じる (おうじる): To respond, to meet.
  15. 革新 (かくしん): Innovation.
  16. 両立させる (りょうりつさせる): To reconcile, to balance.
  17. 努力 (どりょく): Effort.
  18. 創造性 (そうぞうせい): Creativity.
  19. 再び (ふたたび): Again.
  20. 輝き (かがやき): Brilliance, radiance.
  21. 取り戻す (とりもどす): To regain, to recover.

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