jlpt n1 vocabulary quiz by gaijin world 4

JLPT N1 Vocabulary Quiz 4



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#1. 検査の結果、病気ではないことがわかって[________]。最近、私は体調が悪く、医師に相談することにしました。医師は私にいくつかの検査を受けるように勧めました。検査の結果を待つ間、私は非常に不安でした。しかし、結果が出ると、私は病気ではないことがわかり、心から安心しました。この経験を通じて、私は健康の大切さを再認識し、今後は定期的な健康チェックを受けることを心がけるようになりました。

The correct answer is ほっとした.


  • ほっとした: This means to feel relieved. It accurately describes the feeling of relief that the person experienced upon learning that they are not ill. The context of the sentence indicates that the person was anxious about the results of the examination and felt a sense of relief upon finding out that they are not sick.
  • がっかりした: This means to be disappointed. It does not fit the context of the sentence, as the person is relieved to find out they are not ill. Disappointment would imply that the person was hoping for a different outcome, which is not the case here.
  • 驚いた: This means to be surprised. While the person might be surprised by the result, the primary emotion described is relief. Surprise alone does not capture the sense of relief that the person feels upon learning they are not ill.
  • 悲しんだ: This means to be sad. It does not fit the context of the sentence, as the person is relieved to find out they are not ill. Sadness would imply a negative outcome, which is not the case here.

Therefore, ほっとした is the correct choice as it accurately describes the feeling of relief that the person experienced upon learning that they are not ill.

JLPT N1 Vocabularies and Grammars

  1. 検査 (けんさ): Examination, test.
  2. 結果 (けっか): Result.
  3. 病気 (びょうき): Illness, disease.
  4. わかる (わかる): To understand, to know.
  5. ほっとする: To feel relieved.
  6. 最近 (さいきん): Recently.
  7. 体調 (たいちょう): Physical condition.
  8. 悪い (わるい): Bad.
  9. 医師 (いし): Doctor.
  10. 相談する (そうだんする): To consult.
  11. 勧める (すすめる): To recommend.
  12. いくつか: A few.
  13. 受ける (うける): To receive, to undergo.
  14. 不安 (ふあん): Anxiety, worry.
  15. 間 (あいだ): Interval, period.
  16. 出る (でる): To come out, to be released.
  17. 心から (こころから): From the heart, sincerely.
  18. 安心する (あんしんする): To feel relieved, to be reassured.
  19. 経験 (けいけん): Experience.
  20. 通じて (つうじて): Through.
  21. 再認識する (さいにんしきする): To reaffirm, to recognize again.
  22. 健康 (けんこう): Health.
  23. 大切 (たいせつ): Important.
  24. 定期的 (ていきてき): Regular.
  25. 健康チェック (けんこうチェック): Health check.
  26. 心がける (こころがける): To make an effort, to be mindful.

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