jlpt n1 vocabulary quiz by gaijin world 4

JLPT N1 Vocabulary Quiz 4



Omedetou! Good job!

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#1. 先日、友人の家を訪ねました。その家は昔からある古い家で、長い間手入れされていなかったので、[_______]放題だった。庭も家の中も、どこもかしこも埃だらけで、とても汚れていました。


to be stormy, to be rough


The noun “荒れ” (あれ) means “neglect” or “dilapidation.” In the context of the sentence, “その家は長い間手入れされていなかったので、荒れ放題だった” means “The house had not been maintained for a long time, so it was in a state of neglect.” The correct reading of “荒れ” in this context is “あれ.”

  • はれ: This is not a correct reading for “荒れ.”
  • はらい: This is not a correct reading for “荒れ.”
  • あれ: This is the correct reading, meaning “neglect” or “dilapidation.”
  • あらい: This is not a correct reading for “荒れ.”

Therefore, the correct answer is “あれ.”

JLPT Vocabularies and Grammars with Meanings:

  • 先日 (せんじつ) – N3: The other day
  • 友人 (ゆうじん) – N3: Friend
  • (いえ) – N5: House
  • 訪ねる (たずねる) – N4: To visit
  • (むかし) – N4: Long ago
  • 古い (ふるい) – N5: Old
  • 長い間 (ながいあいだ) – N4: For a long time
  • 手入れ (ていれ) – N3: Maintenance
  • される – N4: Passive form of “to do”
  • 荒れる (あれる) – N2: To be neglected
  • 放題 (ほうだい) – N2: As much as one likes
  • (にわ) – N4: Garden
  • (なか) – N5: Inside
  • どこもかしこも – N2: Everywhere
  • (ほこり) – N3: Dust
  • だらけ – N2: Covered with
  • とても – N5: Very
  • 汚れる (よごれる) – N4: To get dirty

More quizzes to try are available on the links below!

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