jlpt n1 vocabulary quiz by gaijin world 5

JLPT N1 Vocabulary Quiz 5




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#1. 夏になると、自然の美しさが一層際立ちます。特に、夏の野山は、草や木が[______]ので、まるで緑の海のようでした。風が吹くたびに、草木がさわさわと音を立て、心地よい香りが漂ってきます。この季節に散策すると、心が癒され、リフレッシュすることができます。


be luxurious · grow thickly · be rampant


The verb “茂る” (しげる) means “to grow thickly” or “to be luxuriant.” In the context of the sentence, “夏の野山は、草や木が茂っていた” means “In the summer, the fields and mountains were lush with grass and trees.” The correct reading of “茂る” in this context is “しげる,” which is conjugated to “しげっていた” in the past progressive tense.

  • のびていた: This is the past progressive tense of “伸びる” (のびる), which means “to grow” or “to stretch.”
  • ふえていた: This is the past progressive tense of “増える” (ふえる), which means “to increase” or “to grow in number.”
  • はえていた: This is the past progressive tense of “生える” (はえる), which means “to grow” (for plants), but it does not convey the sense of growing thickly.
  • しげっていた: This is the correct past progressive tense form of “茂る” (しげる), meaning “to grow thickly” or “to be luxuriant.”

Therefore, the correct answer is “しげっていた.”

JLPT Vocabularies and Grammars:

  1. 夏 (なつ) – Summer (N5)
  2. なる – To become (N5)
  3. 自然 (しぜん) – Nature (N4)
  4. 美しさ (うつくしさ) – Beauty (N4)
  5. 一層 (いっそう) – Much more, still more (N3)
  6. 際立つ (きわだつ) – To stand out, to be prominent (N2)
  7. 特に (とくに) – Especially (N4)
  8. 野山 (のやま) – Hills and fields (N3)
  9. 草 (くさ) – Grass (N5)
  10. 木 (き) – Tree, wood (N5)
  11. 茂る (しげる) – To grow thickly, to be luxuriant (N2)
  12. まるで – As if, just like (N3)
  13. 緑 (みどり) – Green (N5)
  14. 海 (うみ) – Sea (N5)
  15. 風 (かぜ) – Wind (N5)
  16. 吹く (ふく) – To blow (N4)
  17. たびに – Every time (N3)
  18. 草木 (くさき) – Plants, vegetation (N3)
  19. 音 (おと) – Sound (N5)
  20. 立てる (たてる) – To make (a sound) (N4)
  21. 心地よい (ここちよい) – Pleasant, comfortable (N3)
  22. 香り (かおり) – Fragrance, aroma (N3)
  23. 漂う (ただよう) – To drift, to float (N2)
  24. 季節 (きせつ) – Season (N4)
  25. 散策 (さんさく) – Stroll, walk (N3)
  26. 心 (こころ) – Heart, mind (N4)
  27. 癒す (いやす) – To heal, to soothe (N2)
  28. リフレッシュする – To refresh (N3)
  29. ことができる – Can do (N4)

More quizzes to try are available on the links below!

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