jlpt n1 vocabulary quiz by gaijin world 5

JLPT N1 Vocabulary Quiz 5




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#1. 毎朝、髪を整えるのに時間をかけています。特に長い髪を持つ人にとって、髪をきれいにまとめることは大切です。今日も、長い髪をゴムで[_____]ことにしました。ゴムを使って髪をしっかりと結びつけることで、髪が顔にかからなくなり、清潔感が増します。これにより、一日中快適に過ごすことができます。


to bind, tie, restrain


The verb “縛る” (しばる) means “to bind,” “to tie,” or “to restrain.” In the context of the sentence, “長い髪をゴムで縛る” means “I tie my long hair with a rubber band.” The correct reading of “縛る” in this context is “しばる.”

  • ゆわえる: This is the reading for “結わえる” (ゆわえる), which means “to tie” or “to bind,” but it is not the correct reading for “縛る.”
  • しばる: This is the correct reading for “縛る” (しばる), meaning “to bind,” “to tie,” or “to restrain.”
  • むすぶ: This is the reading for “結ぶ” (むすぶ), which means “to tie” or “to bind,” but it is not the correct reading for “縛る.”
  • くくる: This is the reading for “括る” (くくる), which means “to tie” or “to bind,” but it is not the correct reading for “縛る.”

Therefore, the correct answer is “しばる.”

JLPT Vocabularies and Grammars:

  1. 毎朝 (まいあさ) – Every morning (N5)
  2. 髪 (かみ) – Hair (N5)
  3. 整える (ととのえる) – To arrange, to put in order (N3)
  4. 時間 (じかん) – Time (N5)
  5. かける – To spend (time) (N5)
  6. 特に (とくに) – Especially (N4)
  7. 長い (ながい) – Long (N5)
  8. 持つ (もつ) – To have, to hold (N5)
  9. 人 (ひと) – Person (N5)
  10. きれい – Clean, beautiful (N5)
  11. まとめる – To gather, to put together (N3)
  12. 大切 (たいせつ) – Important (N4)
  13. 今日 (きょう) – Today (N5)
  14. ゴム – Rubber band (N3)
  15. 縛る (しばる) – To tie, to bind (N2)
  16. 使う (つかう) – To use (N5)
  17. しっかり – Firmly, tightly (N3)
  18. 結びつける (むすびつける) – To tie, to bind (N2)
  19. 顔 (かお) – Face (N5)
  20. かかる – To hang, to come into contact (N5)
  21. 清潔感 (せいけつかん) – Sense of cleanliness (N2)
  22. 増す (ます) – To increase (N3)
  23. これにより – Due to this (N3)
  24. 一日中 (いちにちじゅう) – All day long (N4)
  25. 快適 (かいてき) – Comfortable (N3)
  26. 過ごす (すごす) – To spend (time) (N4)

More quizzes to try are available on the links below!

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