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#1. 先日、特別な人にプレゼントを贈ることにしました。プレゼントとして指輪を選びましたが、もっと個性的にしたいと思いました。そこで、指輪に人の名前を[_______]。
to carve
The verb “彫る” (ほる) means “to engrave” or “to carve.” In the context of the sentence, “指輪に人の名前を彫った” means “I engraved a person’s name on the ring.” The correct reading of “彫る” in this context is “ほる,” which is conjugated to “ほった” in the past tense.
- きざんだ: This is the past tense of “刻む” (きざむ), which means “to carve” or “to engrave,” but it is not the correct reading for “彫る.”
- けずった: This is the past tense of “削る” (けずる), which means “to shave” or “to scrape.”
- ほった: This is the correct past tense form of “彫る” (ほる), meaning “to engrave” or “to carve.”
- えんぐれーぶした: This is a katakana representation of “engraved,” but it is not the correct Japanese verb form for this context.
JLPT Vocabularies and Grammars with Meanings:
- 先日 (せんじつ) – N3: The other day
- 特別 (とくべつ) – N4: Special
- 人 (ひと) – N5: Person
- プレゼント – N4: Present
- 贈る (おくる) – N3: To give (as a gift)
- こと – N4 (Grammar): Nominalizer
- 指輪 (ゆびわ) – N3: Ring
- 選ぶ (えらぶ) – N4: To choose
- 個性的 (こせいてき) – N2: Unique, individualistic
- 思う (おもう) – N5: To think
- そこで – N3 (Grammar): Therefore, so
- 名前 (なまえ) – N5: Name
- 彫る (ほる) – N2: To carve, to engrave
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