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#1. 昨日、友人が家に遊びに来ました。彼らを歓迎するために、特別なデザートを用意しました。皿に季節の果物を[____]ことにしました。色とりどりの果物が並ぶと、とても美しく見えました。
to serve
The verb “盛る” (もる) means “to serve” or “to arrange (food on a plate).” In the context of the sentence, “皿に季節の果物を盛る” means “to arrange seasonal fruits on a plate.” The correct reading of “盛る” in this context is “もる.”
- つむ: This is the reading for “積む” (つむ), which means “to pile up” or “to stack.”
- もる: This is the correct reading for “盛る” (もる), meaning “to serve” or “to arrange (food on a plate).”
- のせる: This is the reading for “載せる” (のせる), which means “to place on” or “to put on.”
- さら: This is not a correct reading for any verb related to the context.
Therefore, the correct answer is “もる.”
JLPT Vocabularies and Grammars:
- 昨日 (きのう) – Yesterday (N5)
- 友人 (ゆうじん) – Friend (N4)
- 家 (いえ) – House (N5)
- 遊びに来る (あそびにくる) – To come to visit (N5)
- 彼ら (かれら) – They (N4)
- 歓迎する (かんげいする) – To welcome (N3)
- 特別な (とくべつな) – Special (N4)
- デザート – Dessert (N5)
- 用意する (よういする) – To prepare (N4)
- 皿 (さら) – Plate (N5)
- 季節 (きせつ) – Season (N4)
- 果物 (くだもの) – Fruit (N5)
- 盛る (もる) – To serve (N3)
- 色とりどり (いろとりどり) – Colorful (N2)
- 並ぶ (ならぶ) – To line up (N4)
- 美しい (うつくしい) – Beautiful (N4)
- 見える (みえる) – To be visible (N4)
More quizzes to try are available on the links below!