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#1. 勝つことを求めることに、__が心をよぎる。
むなしさ – 「むなしさが心をよぎる」という表現が使われています。
JLPT Vocabularies:
- 勝つ (かつ) – To win
- こと (こと) – Thing, matter
- 求める (もとめる) – To seek, to desire
- 心 (こころ) – Heart, mind
- よぎる (よぎる) – To cross, to flash through
- 喜び (よろこび) – Joy
- 不安 (ふあん) – Anxiety
- 期待 (きたい) – Expectation
- むなしさ (むなしさ) – Emptiness
- むなしさ (むなしさ) – Emptiness. The sentence “むなしさが心をよぎる” uses the expression “むなしさ,” meaning “emptiness.”
Grammar Points:
- を – Object marker, indicating what is being sought (勝つこと).
- に – Indicates the indirect object, in this case, the act of seeking to win.
- が – Subject marker, indicating what crosses the mind (むなしさ).
- ことに – A phrase meaning “in the act of,” indicating the context of seeking to win.
- よぎる – A verb meaning “to cross,” indicating the action of the feeling crossing the mind.
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