jlpt n1 vocabulary quiz by gaijin world 7

JLPT N1 Vocabulary Quiz 7




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#1. 勝者と敗者の心の__こそが、真のやさしさである。

通いあい – 文脈から、心の通いあいが真のやさしさであることが読み取れます。

JLPT Vocabularies:

  1. 勝者 (しょうしゃ) – Winner
  2. 敗者 (はいしゃ) – Loser
  3. 心 (こころ) – Heart, mind
  4. こそ – Emphasizing particle, meaning “precisely” or “exactly”
  5. 真 (しん) – True
  6. やさしさ (やさしさ) – Kindness
  7. である – Formal form of “to be”
  8. 対立 (たいりつ) – Confrontation
  9. 通いあい (かよいあい) – Mutual understanding, connection
  10. 無視 (むし) – Ignoring
  11. 競争 (きょうそう) – Competition


  • 通いあい (かよいあい) – Mutual understanding, connection. The context indicates that “心の通いあい” (mutual understanding of hearts) is true kindness.

Grammar Points:

  1. – Possessive particle, indicating “of the heart.”
  2. こそ – Emphasizing particle, used to stress that the mutual understanding of hearts is true kindness.
  3. – Subject marker, indicating what is being described as true kindness.
  4. である – Formal form of “to be,” used to state that something is true.

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