jlpt n1 vocabulary quiz by gaijin world 7

JLPT N1 Vocabulary Quiz 7




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#1. 敗者の__だったら、それはつまらないものだ。

負けおしみ – 文中で「敗者の負けおしみだったらつまらない」と述べられています。

makeoshimi – cry sour grapes, bad loser

JLPT Vocabularies:

  1. 敗者 (はいしゃ) – Loser
  2. だったら – If it were
  3. それ (それ) – That
  4. つまらない (つまらない) – Boring, trivial
  5. もの (もの) – Thing
  6. 反省 (はんせい) – Reflection, reconsideration
  7. 言い訳 (いいわけ) – Excuse
  8. 負けおしみ (まけおしみ) – Sour grapes, bad loser
  9. 自慢 (じまん) – Boasting


  • 負けおしみ (まけおしみ) – Sour grapes, bad loser. The sentence “敗者の負けおしみだったらつまらない” states that if it were the sour grapes of a loser, it would be trivial.

Grammar Points:

  1. – Possessive particle, indicating “of the loser.”
  2. だったら – Conditional form of “to be,” meaning “if it were.”
  3. – Topic marker, indicating the topic of the sentence.
  4. それは – “That is,” used to emphasize the subject.
  5. ものだ – A phrase meaning “it is a thing that.”

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