jlpt n1 vocabulary quiz by gaijin world 7

JLPT N1 Vocabulary Quiz 7




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#1. 職業的なギャンブラーは、いちいち__ていては身がもたない。

くやしがっ – 「いちいちくやしがっていては」という表現が使われています。

be mortified at frustrated, disappointed

JLPT Vocabularies:

  1. 職業的な (しょくぎょうてきな) – Professional
  2. ギャンブラー (ぎゃんぶらー) – Gambler
  3. いちいち – Every single time
  4. 身がもたない (みがもたない) – Cannot endure, cannot handle
  5. 喜んで (よろこんで) – Happily
  6. 驚い (おどろい) – Surprised
  7. 悩ん (なやん) – Worried
  8. くやしがっ (くやしがっ) – Frustrated, disappointed


  • くやしがっ (くやしがっ) – Frustrated, disappointed. The sentence “いちいちくやしがっていては身がもたない” uses the expression “くやしがっていては,” meaning “if you are frustrated every single time, you cannot handle it.”

Grammar Points:

  1. – Topic marker, indicating the topic of the sentence.
  2. ていては – A conditional form meaning “if you keep doing,” indicating a repeated action that leads to a negative outcome.
  3. – Subject marker, indicating what cannot be handled (身).

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